Palliative Care

Pain & Symptom Management Guide

Palliative EZ Guide Example

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Palliative EZ Guide Example

For decades, the McMaster University Division of Palliative Care’s “blue book” has been a popular pocket sized quick clinical guide for basic, everyday pain and symptom management information and tools. Its use by clinicians and students of all disciplines and levels has resulted in multiple printings and revisions over the years. Now, for the first time and based on repeated requests, we present our blue book in web format. Its easy layout, and finger tip accessibility will ensure that this brilliantly simple but highly practical guide is even more clinician friendly and practical than our printed version. By registering for access to the McMaster web-based blue book you will ensure that this relevant guide is available for you when you need it and how you need it!

Proven Methods

Approaches and treatment strategies for the most common symptoms encountered in palliative care.

Available Anywhere

Concise, current and practical pain management and treatment strategies that can be reviewed and utilized literally at the bedside.

User Friendly

Assessment tools and guides with user friendly descriptions that can readily guide daily clinical care.